JULESERVICE pt 2: Festprogram (Your Hands Keep Changing Sizes) (December 24, 2015)
1) Juleprædiken v. Alexander Tovborg
2) Crima and Kærlighed - opera m./w. Cæcilie Trier, Makayla Whitney, Lasse Latz, Simon Latz, Bjarke Valentin, Asger Valentin & Robert Ashley
3) Jonas Okholm on DyneLarsen
4) Klokker Stiklinger
5) Julemixet fra Jens Kamp
JULESERVICE pt 1: Stilheder Og Næsten Stilhedder, Pantheon, ikke Skt. Peter (December 24, 2015)
(Silences and Almost Sillences: ) From Kasper Vang, Jan Stricker, Lars Arnfred Fynboe, Pernille Abd-el Dayem, Magnus Kaslov, Hannah Heilmann, Zeinab Shahidi + mixed jingles
Stilhed KBH
Brøndby tabte
Goodiepal Hex Ubu soundtest
Notre Dame; Marseille 1
Coming home
Milton Nascimento: Trem de Doido
Robert Gassner fortæller verdens sørgeligste historie
Kenji Kawai: Making of Cyborg
Mellemtider Islands Brygge
Jul i Torvehallerne
Amish Market Pensylvania
Outside at Fanø
Notre Dame; Marseille 2
Ambient Cat in Shop
Kenjo Kawai: Ghost City
Rue du Pannier
Nana Mouskouri: Seranade de Schubert
Crazy Friggin Driver Chavez
Frankfurter Doom Doom
Milton Nascimento: Saidas e Bandeiras no. 1
Venedig Stemning, Hav, Båd, Løber
Gert Thrue: I sing the body electric
Silence Please at the Pantheon
Stilhed i skuret hos min far
Nocturnes, Op. 15 (no. 3: in G minor. Lento)
Zeinab's house (no. 2)
Sandie Shaw: Strange Bedfellows
SCHUBIN (Saturday October 17, 2015):
In the studio: Jan Stricker, Hannah Heilmann, Pernille Abd-El Dayem, Kasper Vang, Liv Sejerbo Lidegaard
Guests: Sigrun Gudbrandsdottir, Henriette Heise
IDs by: Ida Kudo, KV
1] ∏hen ®ay - Chattel Youth
2] Lol beslutning - Last days
3] Hvid høg nede - Samanta (radio edit)
4] Lol beslutning - Homeworks6 - fitness povero
5] Estrous.life - shop music/love me like you do
6] Henriette Heise reads from ( •_•)O* ̄`·. ̧.· ́ ̄`°Q(•_• )
7] Do you like organs vol. II mix by Jan Stricker
8] Glenn Christian reads from Grusomhedsudstillingen
9] Sigrun Gudbrandsdottir reads from Sisimka (accompanied by Yamaha Reface DX)
10] scubin
11] Lol beslutning - excerpt from Learning out loud opening |
12] Lol beslutning - excerpt from Learning out loud opening ||
13] Pernille Abd-El Dayem reads from Karen Blixen, Daguerreotypier
14] Estrous.life - commercial/some choices are so personal not even you should be making them for you
15] Lasse Latz - tusind tak
16] scubin 2
17] Lol beslutning - Drama coin
18] Andreas Führer reads from Heidegger, Spørgsmålet om Teknikken
19] Liv Sejerbo Lidegaard reads from Fælleden
20] Imamo pičke, bole nas racku trap guru mix by Shri Shi
Tracks in mixes:
Do you like organs vol. II
Edward Artemiev - Listen to Bach (The Earth)
One of the organs from Jonas Olesen & Sandra Boss liveperformance Orgelmixtur
John Duncan live at Mayhem
Hans Kox - Three Pieces for Electronic Organ
Edward Artemiev - Ocean
Bent Lorentzen - Cruor
Gyógy Ligeti - Two Studies for Organ
Marhaug/Asheim - Clavaeolina / Charlemagne Palestine talks about organs
Jimi Hendrix with Hansson & Karlsson - Jam XII at Klubb Filips 1967
imamo pičke, bole nas rackutrap guru mix by shri shi
Kurtoazija - Yugoslovenski Trap
Brat Psycho, Fox, Nune, Srna & Vještica - Treća smena
Mimi Mercedez - Samo rejv
Fox feat Zhozi Zho - Trap Guru Trap Boss
Gudri - Civili
Daki BD & Žakila -Maschinen
Corona - Gethoven
Arafat - Paciotti Snovi
audio excerpts from films:
Turneja - dir. G.Marković
Rane - dir. S.Dragojević
Clip - dir. M. Miloš
BRUNCHILLISSIMO - TOVES reporting live from the 47th Venice Biennale 1997 (Wednesday May 6, 2015):
Second broadcast of TOVES reporting live from the 47th Venice Biennale 1997
@ Terazzo studio in Barbaria delle Tole: Christian Jeppsson, Jacob Jessen, Janus Høm, Rasmus Høj Mygind, Sandra Vaka, Hannah Heilmann.
Anna Frost was out making an interview, and Honza Hoeck and Simon Damkjær were making their way home from Pietro dell Santa and Kirsten Ortwed.
In the jingle crew tonight was Rasmus Høj Mygind, Kasper Vang, Bibi Alberte Klenz and Sandra Mujinga.
Tracklist, roughly:
Special mix by DJ Royal Kir and comment track by Jacob Jessen and Kir
Music for cats by David Teye for Teyus projects at the Smithsonian. Suckling, purring and cat's heartbeats
Bibi Alberte Klentz: Stay
P.V.M.: 3 Konger og 24 Måner pt 5
Emil Elg channels Cy Twombly and cuteness - 'bare løb en meget godt bidrag i Tyskland radio: Privilegiet at være hvid. På tilgangen af kritiske hvidhed'
The Daily Hanne Lipard
Want Keys - TOVES reporting live from the 47th Venice Biennale 1997 (Tuesday May 5, 2015):
First broadcast of TOVES reporting live from the 47th Venice Biennale 1997
Present at the terrazzo studio in Barbaria delle Tole is Christian Jeppsson, Jacob Jessen, Anna Frost, Janus Høm, Rasmus Høj Mygind and Hannah Heilmann.
Outposting with Kirsten Ortwed was Hoenza Hoeck and Simon Damkjær. Arriving later was Sandra Vaka with our guests from the Pizza Pavillion, Konstanze and Paul.
Home editors on the line tonight Brynje 1 og 2, Kasper Vang and Jan Stricker.
Tracklist, roughly:
Brynje 1 og 2: An album about the Biennale of 1997. Humid.
P.V.M.: 3 Konger og 24 Måner pt 4
Edward Shenk and George Gittins: Cafe Appreciano, 2015
The Daily Hanne Lipard
Our guests from Pizza Pavillion explain about art pizza and present the Habanera from Bizet's opera Carmen, sung by mezzo soprano Julia Mintzer and Thomas Cadenbach with playing piano.
It's the first time the audience meets Carmen on her break at the cigar factory, and she explains to the crowd of soldiers standing around the love does exactly what you don't want it to do.
So if she loves you, watch out for yourself.
Jan Stricker presents Whispered Art History by Robert Filliou, but also Porn for the Blind, Big Sausage Pizza
Music by Phen Ray
Christian Jeppsson hosts a tape rave, featuring private home recordings of legendary radio show "HQ" from radio Kampus 103, Gothenburg, Sweden.
I THINK MY VAGINA IS HAUNTED, February 26, 2015:
In the studio/kitchen of HCØ Hus: Jan Stricker, Kalle Vangster, Hannah Heilmann, Lars Arnfred Fynboe, Liv Sejerbo Lidegaard. Pernille Abd-El Dayem-as-Painting and in Thestrup, taking care of general security.
Special host Kasper Lynge/Gisp, very special guests Clepshydra di Latz and Gro Sarauw. Also Kasper Thems and then also Santi.
Studio 1: Brynje 1 og 2
Studio 2: Michael Mørkholdt & Kristian Poulsen
Jingle magic tonight: Bibi Alberte Klentz, Lasse Hieronymus Bo and white mans Penny Dreadful jingles provided by Lars Arnfred Fynboe.
1) Binaural hello
2) First Flush: Den Inderste Dag
3) P.V.M.: 3 Konger og 24 måner, pt. 2
4) Pernille Abd-El Dayem reads from 'Inden for Revet'
5) Check-in with studio 1 / Brynje 1 og 2
6) Clepshydra experience house (binaural smoothness)
7) First Flush: Mit Tempel
8) Check-in with studio 1 and studio 2
9) Gro Sarauw call ups Rachel B. Glazer, also a check-in
10) Studio 1
11) Lars Arnfred Fynboe: Perfect Pitch
12) Perfect Pitch continued + studio 1
13) Check-in with studio 2
14) Organ cd competition. Sådan er det at lave lokal-radio
15) P.V.M.: 3 Konger og 24 måner, pt. 3
16) First Flush: Odense
17) Check-in with studio 1
18) Gro Sarauw reveals she knew it all already. The programming of the program
19) 40 minutes organ mega mix by Jan 'Orgelsjæl' Stricker
20) Bibliography from Line Ebert
Medova, February 8, 2015:
Tracklist, roughly:
In the studio/Kallevang: Kasper Vang, Jan Stricker, Hannah Heilmann, Pernille Abd-El Dayem, Liv Sejerbo Lidegaard, also Lars Arnfred Fynboe and special guest Kenneth Jensen
Station IDs tonight all things familiar.
1) SoundsAndGear.com review Shevannai Voices of the Elves Library
2) Skvaldermand
3) Crazy 88 intro / God aften
4) Brynje 1 og 2 returning slot: Connect to the Community - Skuespil akkompagneret af Musescore spillende Seklart@live.dk / Pro anthem: Hun den grædende vildt /
Musescore spiller Obotema fra This Wizard Creates a New Score / Brynje 1&2 Liholesie Remix / Musescore spiller Grand Piano tema fra This Wizard Creates a New Score
5) Kenneth Jensen reads from Tragedie plus tid and more
6) Skvaldermand
7) Kenneth Jensen in conversation about Tragedie plus tid and old jobs.
8) Laase Hyeronimus: Experiment 03
9) Laase Hyeronimus: Mangrove
10) P.V.M.: 3 Konger og 24 måner pt. 1
11) Jens Kamp mix - A Small Garden of Unearthly Delights
Shepard's Tone
Astral Garden - Klaus Wiese
Gunnar Ekelöf - Den svarta bilden
The Snow Man - Coil
Extreme Energy Boost Through Isochronic Tones
Rullesten Fanefjord Strand (Julen 2014)
Down In The Willow Garden - The Everly Brothers
Meditación Para entrar en el Espacio Sagrado del Corazón
Dark Slumber - Geinoh Yamashirogumi
Hermoðr á Helferð - Burzum
Revolving Birdsong - John Foxx
12) GBW reads Thit Jensen/Den erotiske Hamster
DEEP PLAY (idefasen overstået), January 5, 2015:
Pt I
In the studio / Kalle Vang's Stue: Kasper Vang, Hannah Heilmann, Jan Stricker, Pernille Abd-El Dayem, Lars Fynboe Arnfred and Magnus Kaslov plus special guest couple Sigrid Ninel Kledal and Andreas Führer.
Basque-Spanish station ID by Ainize 'News' Sarasola, Slavique IDs by Mira Winding, Tone IDs by Morten Chrone, Go-ID by Honza Hoeck, thank you so much!
pt I
1) Clara Heilmann Jensen sings a Lucas Graham song
2) Robin Hood & Little John in 16 languages pt I
3) 2014 b Doomed and Damned GBW Old News montage w.:
Suffi's music box, Hansekat, a little bit of Double Dutch/Self Help Riddim Mix, Esme Toler takes over the speak from Pardo House 2013, Troll King, Synthetic Reading in the distance by Victoria and Honza,
Andreas Führer Ear composition from Fanefjord Church also in the distance, Seefeel/Spangle, How 2 dress Well/& it was u, Old ringtone, stuck CD, ……
4) Davide Savorani: Intermezzo
5) Teaser for the Brynje 1 & 2 upcoming regular
6) Claus Haxholm: Mulighedernes Fest
7) Andreas Führer reads from Naturkalenderen 2015 on top of some bagpipes from Vangede.
8) The bagpipes go on
9) Bibi Alberte Klenz: Smashing hit
10) Pernille Abd-El Dayem reads excerpts from Suzanne Brøgger: Fri Os fra Kærligheden (1973)
11) Gro Sarauw reads Rachel B. Glazer: Tragic Snoopys
12) Sandy Shaw: Strange Bedfellows
13) Educational! Tom Glazer & Dottie Evans: Ballad of Sir Isaac Newton
14) Soundtrack from solarium
15) More educational (in Danish tho): Sigrid Ninel Kledal in conversation about concrete
pt II
16) Emil Elg (montage/poetry/Siljangade preaching): BØRSVITTIGHED & REKLAME (2014)
17) Robin Hood & Little John in 16 languages pt II
18) A glimpse of Lars Skinnebach reading new work accompanied by Goodiepal sniffing radio active water at Jazzhouse, December 2014
19) Educational! Tom Glaser & Dottie Evans: Why Does the Sun Shine
20) Andreas Führer presents his recent tape 'Trylle Trylle Trylle' and summarize January 2015 as described in Naturkalenderen.
21) In conversation: Kasper Vang presents a bit of cyborg music, David Rosenboom: Desert Night Touch Down (and GBW forget to follow up)
22) How they tease about the up coming regular: Brynje 1 & 2
23) Bibi Alberte Klenz: Noget
24) Unknown Artist talks about Art (loosely accompanied by some Katie Gately)
25) Holger Hartvig introduces: Moderne Skuespil og Gode Oplevelser
26) Misplaced squeaky recordplayer break
27) Simon Latz & Claus Haxholm: Breve mellem polycenter og alifibie gensing …….
Mouse-Kurwa Megamix MERRY XMAS! December 24, 2014:
HAVING A WEIRD TIME COMING HOME, October 10, 20:00 D.F. time/ October 11, 03:00 Cph time, 2014:
Broadcast put together especially for the exhibition EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED in Mexico City @ Neter Proyectos in collaboration with Green is Gold and Signe Havesteen.
Special thanks to my neighbor Thomas Frederiksen who's internet we used broadcasting.
In the studio/Hannah Heilmann's kitchen: Hannah Heilmann, Kasper Vang, Jan Stricker & Lars Fynboe. Outpost taking care of general safety: Pernille Abd-El Dayem.
Station IDs 2night, young ones and old:
Tone and Metal IDs by Morten Chrone, Russian ID by Mira Winding, Go-ID by Honza Hoeck, Fame IDs by Rasmus Høj Mygind, Much further away by Kasper Vang,
Agnostic n Old by Lars Arnfred Fynboe, Ida Kudo classic ID, Bibi Klenz hyper classic ID, huh huh feeling it why am I feeling it u say I by GBW, General Røv af
Arbejde as spoken by Lasse Latz.
1) Wildlife Perfume: DJ Acid Katinka
2) Carillon solo from the end of the opera 'The Loneliness of the Index Finger (Part II)' on 05.09.2014 (as part of "Soft City" performance program by
Kunsthall Oslo). Overall production by Steiner Haga Kristensen. Bells composed by Morten Norbye Halvorsen and carried out by 'carillonneur' Laura Marie Rueslåtten.
3) Wildlife Perfume: Sailor
4) Abel: I don't need to travel cause I have the internet, lucky me
5) GBW reports from the aftermath of the Toke Odin concert at Carlsberg the other day
6) Gert Thrue: Cepheus
7) Marie Thams: Voluntario
8) Nina Björk Eliasson: My Mother's Piano (sound piece in three movements, on pedal organ, broken piano and keyboard respectively, from an installation
exhibited summer of 2014 in Kongens Have in Copenhagen)
9) Kasper Vang reports: Sneaking in on Supermelle and Mr. Luke Bennett at the campfire
10) Wildlife Perfume: Soya Tears - Emilia
11) Wildlife Perfume: Soya Tears - In the Light of Repetition
12) Poul Gernes: Never before published piece for flute organ found in archives by Jan Stricker
13) Marie Thams: No lo hago por el dinero
14) Mira Winding reports from Cafe Nuye Art
15) Det jeg elsker (song from unknown source)
16) Marie Thams: Huelga
17) Mira Winding reports from Harun Farocki exhibition
18) GBW reviews Rossevelt/Do me now (old news)
19) Kasper Vang reports: Mr. Luke Bennett and Supermelle fries a sausage on a stick (eine wurst flambé!)
20) Excerpt from LOL Beslutning by Emil Elg, Asger & Holger Hartvig, Lasse & Simon Latz, Asger & Bjarke Valentin @ Hovedbiblioteket i Krystalgade October 10,
2014. Intro: Lars Arnfred Fynboe attempts to get into LOL Beslutning.
21) Ricardo Carvalho: Avolition (2010) (Two Elizas in conversation)
22) Seksuelle Mennesker: Hemmelighed @ Hovedbiblioteket i Krystalgade October 10, 2014
23) Jens Kamp special spiritual mix 'Astral':
Lustmord – The ambivalent abyss
Pauline Anna Strom – Emerald Pool
Angus & Hetty Maclise – November 1965
Topmost – The End
Pattie Rosemon With Frank and Odie Rosemon - I heard the voice of Jesus say
Michael Stearns - As the earth kissed the moon
Coil – MU-UR
Laurie Anderson – Another day speak
Jean Michel-Jarre – Ethnicolor
Nasa – Sounds of Neptune
Coil – The sea priestess
Masochistic Religion – IV
Outer Space - Deathless
Pantaleimon – At dawn
Ashra – Nightdust
Tien Fu – Heaven’s Gate
Jocelyn Pook - Masked Ball
Soundbites – Laurie Anderson – Bright Red
VINTEREN KOMMER, September 22, 2014:
Station IDs: Metal special ID by Morten Chrone, isloms and skyrim levels by Lars Arnfred Fynboe, and winter's comings by Lars and Hannah
In the studio/Kalle Vangs stue: Hannah Heilmann, Jan Stricker, Kasper Vang, Lars Arnfred Fynboe, Liv Sejrbo Lidegaard, n' later Pernille Abd-El Dayem
Greenland delegation 1: Liv Sejrbo Lidegaard & Lars Arnfred Fynboe
Greenland delegation 2: Kasper Vang
We b mostly speaking in Danish
1) Islom calling
2) Den sidste slæderejse/intro
3) Tiguak Arrutapaluk's song (of Thule Traditional Greenlandic Music)
4) Kimilik - Digte fra Angmagssalik, collected by Jens Rosing (1970), read by Liv Sejrbo Lidegaard. About magic formulas.
5) Pualorssuak Man (of Thule Traditional Greenlandic Music)
6) Sigrun's Icelandic Ama Sigrun writes about dreaming of Finland
7) Goodiepal in concert May 7, 2014 / Audiosvar #29: A touch Down Deep into Nordic Landscape Painting & Depcturing med Ole Wick
8) Song of the small Auk (of Thule Traditional Greenlandic Music)
9) Inuteks song (of Thule Traditional Greenlandic Music)
10) K'aviganguak's song
11) Den sidste slæderejse themesong
12) Liv reads Ann Jäderlund: Natur
13) Lullaby
14) Mom explains the lullaby
15) A Manuscript by Boris Schiøler (arranged by Jan Stricker and Kasper Vang)
16) Liv reads from Tove Jansson, Sommerbogen, 1972.
17) Mom explains about Iceland and Denmark
18) Old Nan's Story of Winter and the Others
19) Shaman song
20) Kasper Vang: 69°12′43″N 51°08′14″W
21) Asiajuk's song
22) Minik Rosing's explains his theory of the rise of the continents and photosynthesis in Itinnera, Greenland, recorded by Lars Arnfred Fynboe
23) Letter from Jens Rosing, Miniks dad to Gitz-Johansen. Written in Itinnera, Greenland 1951.
24) Sled dogs in Sisimut, summer of 2013, recorded by Kasper Vang
25) Liv reads from Kimilik once more.
PISCES VS. FJENDEN, May 29, 2014:
Jingles and 90s fillers, agnostics and olds by Kasper Vang, Hannah Heilmann, Lars Arnfred Fynboe, Julia 'Cohones' Rodrigues, Lasse Latz, Ida Kudo, Bibi Alberte Klenz
PArt 1
1) Id M Theft able Woob Woob
2) Morten Chrone: Hellig Krig (er der lyyyyyyyyyys?)
3) Uakti/Phillip Glass: Aguas da Amazonia: Tiquie River
4) Toke Odin: Organ Piece 1
5) Nina Abdel Malak's Instagram
6) Teppop: NY NY
7) Morten Chrone: Holy Ghost
8) Lars Arnfred Fynboe shows us around / Thief Deadly Shadows (3)
9) Morten Chrone: AM-Age 23
10) Cameron de la Isla: Como El Agua
11) Matthew James Dougherty: dvice
12) Uakti/Phillip Glass: Aguas da Amazonia: Japurá River
13) Matthew James Dougherty: expert
14) Ernst Jandl: In the Realm of the Dead
15) Glenn Christian reads Morti Vizki (sound by Kalle Vang)
16) New Jersey Mass Choir: Let Jesus Lead You (GBW/Kalle Vang mix)
17) CAAST: noget Brecht. FRa det nye Skuespilhus
18) Matthew James Dougherty: Yauch
19) Patrick Pdf Theme Song
20) Buxtehude / Præludie in G minor tune from the box set 1000 years of Danish music (!) (GBW/Jan Strick mix)
Part 2
21) Henrik Bo Hansen spiller Arvo Paert
22) Toke Odin: Organ Piece 2
23) Matthew James Dougherty: Monthsshort
24) Matthew James Dougherty: Fourth Floor
25) Claus Haxholm & Tobias Kirstein composition on Stevns Klint
26) Morten Chrone: Dødsstraf
27) Hannah Heilmann reads George Saunders / Return from Spiderhead (sound by Kalle Vang)
28) Short Wave Jam (Kalle & Stricker)
TIMBERRR, April 19, 2014:
IT'S A KALI THANG, April 17, 2014:
Jingle by Bibi Alberte KLenz, station IDs by Ernst & Fifi Swiley, balls by Julia 'Cohones' Rodrigues
Goofy hosts and tech: Jan Stricker, Hannah Heilmann and Kasper Vang
In the kitchen: Pernille Abd-El Dayem & Lars Arnfred Fynboe
Also there: Mads, Theis & Iku
1) Pernille Abd-El Dayem: Omkring en gul mur (in Danish)
2) Toke Odin & Tårnsangerne: Arrow, Axelborg, april 8, 2014
3) Zoe's Worries: Harry
4) Seksuelle Mennesker release concert from Mayhem, april 12, 2014 (Lasse Latz, Holger Hartvig, Cæcilie Trier, Simon Latz, Claus Haxholm)
5) Vincent Moon and Jan Stricker takes a walk
6) Heilmann feat. Simon Latz: CV
7) Alice Coltrane: YamunaTira Vihari (tak Simon)
8) Kasper Vang presents Divorcied: a) Mi negra lo gozo (en el fondo de un pozo) b) Interludio c) Fucking with a wife
9) Cap ride from Houston to Galveston (George the driver interviews Hannah Heilmann)
10) Toke Odin & Ying-Hsueh Chen: Maskine, Axelborg, april 8, 2014
11) Farmor speaks about 2nd world war (in Danish)
12) Iku Sakan interview about Japan on top of Toto release concert from HCØ 69 while Toto is in Japan
13) From a rear building on Vesterbro T.S. Høeg What Music where Joy
14) Theis Ørntoft reads Elegi by Tomas Tranströmer
15) Godnat
Jingles composed by Palle Højrup, Lasse Latz speaking plussa Ida Kudo classic
1) Bibi Alberte Klentz: Torsdag
2) Mordor Orcs marching
3) Teppop: Shqip-ed and screwed
4) Victor Henderson takes a walk 7 February 1978 (message from Jan Stricker)
5) Natalia Ciepiel reports from the boiler room in Søby School, Ærø
6) Bibi: Miami Fromage
7) Message from Jan Strickers past: Orglet gar i styler
8) Jens Kamp mixtape: Jenseit
9) Chloe Lewis and Andrew Taggart saw something
10) Bibi: Rummet
11) Bibi: Kassemusik
11) Not too smooth Kurwastyle/John Maus-Megamix because everything is unbearable
12) My old ring tone
13) Bibi: Vi går hjem
Jenseit Playlist:
Who’ll fall - Coil
Falling - Delia Derbyshire
Op. 50 Requiem of Art (aus Celtic) Fluxorum Organum II – Joseph Beuys, Henning Christiansen
El Divisadero – Chris Watson
Intonation – Environments 7
Jenseits – Ash Ra Tempel
The Psychologically Ultimate Thunderstorm - Environments 4
Favus distillans, response for Saint Ursula & her companions – Hildegard von Bingen
The Pentagram – Aleister Crowley
Trance II – Angus Maclise
Exorcism carried out on Anneliese Michel – Okkulte Stimmen
Hum - The Wicker Man
Sakrifis – Mohammed
A large, very excited pack on the other side of a lake – Jean C. Roche
V’Shomru – Samual Malavsky
Merci Stéphane – Ghédalia Tazartés
Sound of Silence (remix) – Simon & Garfunkel
Lucifer Rising – Jimmy Page
Voices from processed children – Okkulte Stimmen
Amalgamated Man – Lustmord
Narcotic – Tom Recchion
The Litanies of Satan – Ruth White
Bless The Lord, O My Soul - Rachmaninovface
1) Sperm Struktur: Sover længe
2) Inga Copeland: 657
3) Worries recorded by Zoe Claire Miller provided by Jan Stricker: Harmony
4) GBW reviews Miley Cyrus' latest single Adore You
5) Hvad og Lisbent: Vind teknologi
6) Ulla Eriksen: Mod Ø
Gurdjeiff vs. Gernes playing the organ:
7) Gurdjeiff organ: #12A, lst
8) Poul Gernes playing the organ too, from the Penultimate Press LP release: Poul Gernes
9) Olga Ravn: "Reklamepigebarnet - Oplæsning til Donna Wood d. 16.01.14 for et uvist antal stemmer af Olga Ravn.
Læst af: Emilie Bessing, Andreas Amdy Eckhardt-Læssøe, Mads Freund, Marianne Viftrup Hedegaard, Torolf Høstmælingen,
Rasmus Lycke Jensen, Nana Marie Jespersen, Ronja Louring Johansen, Mette Kierstein, Anne Tscherning Larsen, Dorte Limkilde og Lene Roe"
Recorded by Jan Stricker
10) Sperm Struktur: Staten ejer din krop
11) Zoe worries more, this time with Ariel
12) Sperm Struktur: Jeg kan ikke blive en kvinde
13) Bankeråt: Ømme sange for manned og kind, recorded by Jan Stricker the other day at Henning Young
14) Ulla Eriksen: Havlyd/ocean sound, from her exhibition 'Topical, particular, very non-specific' Buddenbrooks
15) The cat Hans enjoying what is possibly his last summer, recording from Omø, last summer
Special thanks to Jan Stricker for providing endless quality material
GÅR OG HØRER SYNER, January 16, 2014:
1) John T. Gast: Inna Perfect (thank you Julia)
2) Viggo Stukkenberg: Ensom Vaar
3) GBW reviews the new single by Shakira featuring Rihanna 'Remember to forget you'
4) Report from Jan Stricker's window (birds, rain, Gordon Mumma)
5) Report: Kristendom i DK / Christianity in DK today - summery for your convenience. As performed by musical staff of Vangede Church.
6) John T. Gast: German Subs
7) Anna Maria Helgadottir: One way phone conversation from Shanghai
8) Sound report from South of India. Extra special thanks to Matthew James Dougherty
9) Honza Hoeck and Victoria in another synthetic reading: Letter of intent
10) Toke Brorson & Toke Tietze Mortensen play Tokes saws for LYSdag H.C. Ørstedsvej 69
Radio IDs by Teppop, jingles by GBW
Kristendom i DK / Christianity in DK today:
sort knejser korset på udbrændt jord // med tusind længselssukke // blindes øjne // det er ej fremmed bolig // du har den selv jo købt
syvstjernens strålebånd // døden blev støv // Himmel og jord i den samme hånd, vore løgne
er selv hernede // bag løgnens maske // sten og aske // så skal du blive trolig // menneskets liv her hvor liv fortabtes
black is the cross towering on burned out dirt // with a thousand sighs of longing // blind's eyes // it is not a strange home // you bought it yourself, you know?
pleiades radiation belt // death became dust // heaven and earth in the same hand, our lies
they are down here // behind the lies' mask // stone and ash // the you will truly/patiently be // human's lives, here, where life is lost
JULEFREDEN, December 25, 2013:
Homer: Yes, honey...Just squeeze your rage up into a bitter little ball and release it at an appropriate time, like that day I hit the referee with the whiskey bottle
1) Teppop: Pulemegamix 2013
2) Teppop: I see no limit
3) DJ X Magnus 2013 Ya_ll
4) Ash Ra Tempel: Nightdust
5) Günther Schickert: Arabische Nächte
Jingles and intermezzos by Ida Kudo and General Booty of Work and co
DAGSMØRKE, December 18, 2013:
1) Mikkel P and Jan Stricker, North West America 2005
2) Jan Stricker interviews John Duncan 2013
3) Toke Højby Lorentzen/Rasmus Halling Nielsen, The New Roman Times Readings
Radio IDs by Teppop and by General Booty of Work
1) Second part of Lucky Dragon's concert in three parts entitled 'Actual Reality' at the festival 'Visions of the Now' at Fylkingen in Stockholm last Friday (May 24 2013)
(We might try to get our dirty paws on the rest of the concert and play all of it…)
2) Sahana Balaji from Bangalore retells the storyline of her favorite movie 'Hum dil de chuke Sanam'
3) U.S. Girls: Summer of the yellow dress
3) 'The face is a she but the makeup is a he' / Davide & Michelangelo lists the gender of different words to Hannah. As performed by Davide Savorani and Michelangelo Miccolis.
GENERAL RADIO , May 22, 2013:
1) Ida Kudo: Lovepeoplecrypeople
2) Ida Kudo: Ship of sunken dreams
3) Ida Kudo: Phantom
4) 1) 'A Synthetic Reading' of 'Notes on depiction beyond imitation' by Ulrik Schmidt. Conceived by Honza Hoeck, music by Peter Birkholm, read aloud by Victoria.
5) Lisbent: Antwerpen 23 (mixtape)
TOVES WORKSHOP, May 3, 2013:
Opening night of Toves Workshop at 24 Spaces in Malmö Konsthal
1) 'A Synthetic Reading' of the press text on display on Toves Workshop 24 Spaces - a Cacophony, at Malmö Konsthal. Conceived by Honza Hoeck, text by Toves, music by Peter Birkholm, read aloud by Victoria.
2) 'Nomadic Call 1' sound piece by Elizabeth McTernan
3) Brød og Drøm, a poem by Martin Snoer Raaschou. Recited by the author and Lars Emil Woetmann.
4) 'Dragon Grill Express' by Lisbent
5) 'For the Birds' sound piece by Elizabeth McTernan
6) 'Langsomt kor' sound piece by Party and Lost
7) 'A Synthetic Reading' Toves press text by Honza Hoeck repeated
8) 'Money Maxims Intro' by Uma Balaji
9) 'Money Maxims' by U.G. Krishnamurti recited by Uma Balaji
10) 'Tweets' by Ann Hirsch
11) 'For the People' sound piece by Elizabeth McTernan
12) 'Money Maxims Outro' by Uma Balaji
13) 'Tyk Sovs m Klumper i' by Lisbent
14) 'Nomadic Call 2' sound piece by Elizabeth McTernan
15) 'Report from Milan' sound piece by Hannah Heilmann
16) 'Mor' a poem by Sigrun Gudbrandsdottir
17) TANG DANS by Andreas Führer. Holger Hartvig and Mille Stevnshoved Simonsen: Dancing. Christian Kyhl, Asger Valentin, Simon Latz, Asger Hartvig, Anders Davidsen: prep piano. Andreas Führer, Bjarke Valentin, Xenia Xamanek López: Grand piano. Xenia Foss, Miriam Tolstrup, Christian Davidsen: email
18) 1) 'A Synthetic Reading' of the press text on display on Toves Workshop 24 Spaces - a Cacophony, at Malmö Konsthal. Conceived by Honza Hoeck, text by Toves, music by Peter Birkholm, read aloud by Victoria.

Copyright: The artists